3º Abierto Intenacional "Villa de Albox"
Partida Premio de Belleza Jaan eslon y David García Ilundain

Perez Candelario,M (2408) - Rustemov,A (2598) [C10]
Albox op Albox (4.1), 24.07.2002

Partida Premio de Belleza Jaan Eslon y David Garcia Ilundain 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Cd2 dxe4 4.Cxe4 Ad7 5.Cf3 Ac6 6.Ad3 Cd7 7.0-0 Cgf6 8.Ced2 Ae7 9.Te1 0-0 10.Cc4 Ad5!? [ 10...b6 11.Cce5 Ab7 12.De2+/= Kruppa-Rustemov, Memorial Boleslavsky, Minsk, 1996] 11.Cce5 c5 12.c4 Axf3 13.Cxf3 [ 13.Dxf3 cxd4 14.Dxb7 Da5! 15.Af4 Tab8 16.Df3 Txb2 17.Cc6 Dc5 18.Ac1! Tb6 19.Cxe7+ Dxe7 20.Aa3! Cc5 21.Te5 Cfd7 22.Axc5 Cxc5 23.Axh7+ Rxh7 24.Dh3+! ( 24.Dh5+ Rg8 25.Txc5 Td8-/+ ) 24...Rg8 25.Th5 f5[] 26.Th8+ Rf7 27.Dh5+ Rf6 28.Dh4+= ] 13...cxd4 14.Cxd4 h6 [ 14...Ac5!? ; 14...Ab4!? ] 15.a3 a5 16.b3 Ac5 17.Cb5 Cb8! Beep Move. The idea to take under control very important squares d4 and b4, b4 removing the khight to c6. Black shall keep blockade the queen side. Also black open d-file 18.Ab2 Cc6 19.Df3 De7 20.Tad1 [ 20.Axf6 Dxf6 21.Dxf6 gxf6 22.Ae4 f5 ] 20...Tfd8 21.Dg3?! [ 21.g3!? ] 21...Rf8! the part of the dark-squares strategy, now black is ready to play Nd4 [ 21...Cd4? 22.Cxd4 Axd4 23.Axd4 Txd4 24.Ah7+! ] 22.Ac2 Txd1 23.Txd1 Td8 24.Txd8+ Dxd8 25.Ac3 De7 26.Ab2 e5 Continue the dark-squares strategy 27.h3 Cd4 28.Cxd4 Axd4 29.Ac1 [ 29.Axd4 exd4=/+ ] 29...Dc5 30.Df3 [ 30.Ad3 b5!|^ ] 30...a4! 31.Dxb7 [ 31.Ad2 axb3! 32.Axb3 ( 32.Ab4? bxc2!! 33.Axc5+ Rg8! 34.De3 Ab2!-+ ) 32...e4 33.Dg3 Dxa3-/+ ] 31...Axf2+ 32.Rh2 [ 32.Rh1 axb3 33.Dxb3 Dc7!|^ ; 32.Rf1!? ] 32...axb3 33.Axb3?! And with another moves there is some difficulties for white. [ For example 33.Dxb3 Dc7!|^ ; ore 33.Db8+ Re7 34.Dxb3 Dc7 with iniciavive] 33...Rg8!! Very strong move. Black avoid the possible exchange of queens (after Qb4) and create the attack. 34.Da8+? the Mistake. My young talented opponent overlooked my 35th move [ 34.Ac2! was correct with chances to defense after 34...e4 ( or 34...g5 35.Df3 ) 35.Db8+ Rh7 36.Df4 ] 34...Rh7 35.Ac2+ e4! that is! 36.Axe4+ white queen is far away and can&apost help for own army [ a) 36.Db8 Dxc4 37.Db1 Ch5 38.Axe4+ g6-+ ; b) 36.Af4 Dxc4 37.Da4 Df1 38.Axe4+ g6-+ ; c) 36.Da4 De5+ 37.Rh1 Dc3-+ ] 36...g6 37.Af4! the best practical chance [ not enough 37.Dc6 De5+ ; or 37.Af3 De5+ ] 37...Dxc4!! thats funny but Fritz computer programm doesn&apost see "my combination" and giving 37...Qd4-/+ as the best continuation 38.Df8! [ 38.Dc6 Df1-+ ] 38...Cxe4! 39.Dxh6+ [ 39.Ae5 Cf6! 40.De7 ( 40.Axf6? Df4+ ) 40...Ah4 with the idea Bg5 -f4] 39...Rg8 40.Ae5 Ag1+!! the point of combination 41.Rh1 [ 41.Rxg1 Dc5+ ] 41...Cg3+! white resignes, because with both soon mate is coming 42.Rxg1 [ or 42.Axg3 Df1 43.Af2 ] 42...Dc5+ 43.Rh2 Dxe5 0-1
